Tuesday 7 January 2014

Arthropod research

Hey Kids:) 
Sorry I'm not there today - but I'll see your posts and read about all the interesting & cool things you find today. Try to publish your post by the end of the class.

Find an interesting creature that belongs to the Phylum Arthropoda (there are TONS) which includes all insects, crustaceans and spiders.  You might have a hard time choosing just one! 
As usual with our interesting species posts - include pictures, video, links etc. and a summary of what you have learned. 

In addition today, I'd like you to relate evolution and natural selection to your species - what are the advantageous adaptations that allowed that species to be successful? It could be things like protection, increased camouflage, diet, predation etc. Why is your species successful?

Also think about where the species belongs in the ecosystem - is it helpful or harmful? To humans or the environment?

Okay, so 2 extra topics to think and write about along with your summary today. 

Once you have published your post, you can share, read and comment on other students posts. That would be learning about stuff. 

Have fun & be ready for a grasshopper dissection for tomorrow.

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