Thursday 12 December 2013

Porifera & Cnidaria

There are 7 essential functions in animals, all of which (except circulation! doh!) we were able to brainstorm onto the whiteboard yesterday.  Here is a recap:

1. Feeding - herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, filter feeders, detritivore, parasites
2. Respiration - take in O2 and release CO2
3. Circulation - transport of nutrients, O2 etc. through body
4. Excretion - expelling nitrogenous waste products (ammonia - urea)
5. Response - senses, nerves
6. Movement - muscles/skeleton
7. Reproduction - sexual and cloning, life cycles

Your assignment for today is to get into groups of 2 - one person will be responsible for learning and teaching about Porifera, the other about Cnidaria.  You must research how representative animals from your phylum performs the 7 essential function listed above.  Please also find some pictures that show the diversity of animals within the same phylum.  Post this information onto your blog - then TEACH the information to your partner.  Please have a discussion where you compare characteristics of the 2 phyla.  Which one is more evolved?  How and why?

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