Thursday 16 January 2014

Big Ideas in Biology - Interview Questions

There will be 2 parts to the interview - first, prepare to present the following 2 questions and discuss with me.

The big ideas of Biology 11:
  • Evolution and Natural Selection
  • Requirements of living things
  • Curiosity and Inquiry
1.  How can you show your learning of these big ideas throughout the course?  Be ready to show your best examples.  

2.  How do you see the world differently after taking Biology?  Discuss.

The second part of the interview will be discussing your mark.  Come prepared with the following framework in mind.  You can decide how you want to weight each criteria - write / prepare how you came up with your self assessment based on what we have discussed in class.

Your mark in Biology is to be based on the following criteria that we have discussed & created in class:

Assignment completion:  Are your blog posts complete? Are the assignment questions answered and similar criteria met?  Where you prepared for your interview and self-evaluation?

Assignment Quality:  To what level did you complete the assignments?  Are you able to remember what you have learned from them?  Would others be able to follow your blog posts?  Did you care about what you were writing?  Provide examples.

Skills: How did your skill set change throughout Biology 11?  Blogging, research, communication (written and verbal) lab skills such as microscopes & dissections.

Your Learning:  What did engagement in activities look like to you?  When were you the most engaged in class / assignments (really into what we were doing)?  Were you eager to learn?  What did you learn about how you learn?   What was your attitude after learning? How did your attendance affect your learning and why?

You can come up with your final percentage in a variety of ways - either create a total for each category that you mark yourself and add up the totals (ie.  10/15, 30/40 etc.), give yourself a letter grade for each category (A, B, B, B) and base your percentage on the average of those letters, or come up with your own system.  You must be thoughtful and reflective and be able to clearly explain your evaluation method.  Be responsible & prepare for your interview and self-evaluation.

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