Friday 8 November 2013

Midterm Evaluation

Demonstrate your knowledge of each of the following topics by providing evidence of your learning (via linking blog posts, taking & posting pictures of work, quizzes, videos, posters, labs etc.)

Biology 11 Topics:

  • Classification
  • Taxonomy
  • Evolution
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria 
  • Protists
Include a discussion about your level of assignment completion, your blog assignments, engagement in the class and overall quality of work.  

Learning happens when there is a relationship between curiosity, questions & understanding...  
What has been your most powerful learning experience so far in Biology?  Please write about it as well.

Once you have surveyed the learning that you have accomplished so far this semester, I would like you to suggest a letter grade and percentage that would be represent your journey of learning in the class so far this semester.  I know that this is difficult!  Do your best, and we will have a chance to talk briefly about your grade on Wednesday before marks are due on Thursday morning.  Remember, this grade is a work in progress, with room for improvement as the semester continues - we are not done yet!

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