Thursday 21 November 2013

Microscope Lab - Vascular plants

What are the major functions of roots?  What specialized structures allow roots to do these jobs?
Look at a root cross section under the microscope and take a picture, noting the power (low, med or high) and the microscope magnification.  Use the iPads to label your picture with the following:

  • root hair, xylem, phloem, epidermis, ground tissue

What are the major functions of stems?  How are woody and herbaceous stems different?
Look at a stem cross section under the microscope and take a picture, noting the power and microscope magnification.  Label the following structures in the stem:

  • vascular bundle, xylem, phloem, epidermis, ground tissue

What are the major functions of leaves?  What is the chemical reaction for photosynthesis?  Why are stomata important to plants & to us?
Look at a leaf cross section under the microscope and take a picture, noting the power and microscope magnification.  Label the following structures in the stem:
  • vascular bundle, xylem, phloem, upper and lower epidermis, palisade mesophyll, cuticle, stomata, guard cells, chloroplasts

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