Tuesday 23 April 2013

Biology 12 - Circulatory System Research

The heart dissection will be delayed until tomorrow....  Sorry....

Today's class: 
I have seen a few of the heart videos from yesterday posted to your blogs, and they looked great.  If you have not posted your video, work on that first - it needs to be uploaded to your YouTube account from the camera roll and then embedded into your blog.  Try to do it using the movie icon at the top of the screen when you are embedding rather than copy and pasting the link as text.

Using computers or iPads, come up with a specific, interesting question relating to the heart &/or circulatory system  and/or lymphatic system.  In a similar way to your respiration question, post the answer on your blog along with the best links, pictures, animations and videos that helped you learn about it.

Everyone should have their own question & answer posted on their blog today.  
Make sure your colouring sheet (front and back) are answered in preparation for your dissection tomorrow.

Have a good class and LEARN SOMETHING interesting:)

Ms. Phillips

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