Wednesday 6 March 2013

Biology 12 - Interim Report

Please write a blog post reflecting on your learning in Biology 12 so far this year.  Here are your guiding questions -

1.  Provide an example of a experience (or more than one) where you felt successful in class.

2.  Write about your work habits in class - if you look through your binder is there a lot of unfinished work? Have you handed in all your assignments?  If not, why not?  Provide evidence if possible.

3.  Have you had a chance to work collaboratively with other students in the class?  How has that enhanced your learning?  Or not?

4.  What goals do you have for Biology 12?  What do you need to do to get there?  If your goal is about a mark, please reframe that into the work/learning that you hope to achieve.

Once you have published your post, fill in your URL on the interim report that is going home to your parents.  If you are following other students in the class, please comment on at least one blog post as well.

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