Thursday 28 June 2012

Using tech this semester

I know that Ms. Painchaud has been posting blogs about other teachers at Sullivan who are trying new things with tech as a follow-up to the tech grant that she was the catalyst for.  Thank you so much Ms. P for all of your help while I was trying to implement some new ideas using technology in Biology 12 this semester.
I think that the biggest challenge was not knowing if my ideas would work on the classroom scale.  I found that I could try something on my iPad or laptop and it would work and then in the bustle of the classroom with 30 kids trying to produce something there were inevitable problems.  Essentially, the iPads are not meant to be a shared device, and we had many problems with students logging onto apps and not being able to log off.  Scary, when they are then shared with another class the next block, and there is someone's blogger or twitter account ready to be posted from.  Yikes.
We also had problems once the work was completed, not being able to access that work from outside the iPad since the students were not able to email or tweet their work to me.  We all started blogs and were able to post work to our blogs from the iPads (thanks to the open wireless at our school) even as drafts that could be published later.  We also had trouble posting video - and thanks to some help from the students, were able to upload video to our own YouTube channel.  Pretty cool.
I think that the biggest learning experience in this process was to trust the students.  They were very patient and helpful in troubleshooting and problem solving.  Even though not all grade 12 students are digital natives, we were given the opportunity and freedom to create solutions together - collaborating with each other, trying things, failing at things until we found ways to make it work.  It is hard as the teacher not being completely "in charge" of what is happening - things not going to plan, changing on the fly.  It makes it very easy to quit a project or assignment that is not turning out the way that you think that it should or taking way longer than it should to complete because of tech. issues.  But I don't think the failures should be a reason to quit - if we think like scientists, we learn from all of our experiences, and it brings us closer to finding something that will work.  Failures should spur us onward.  If I had tried to work all the bugs out before implementing the iPads in the classroom, I would still be waiting.
Okay - some of the apps that I would recommend:

SHOW ME - it was very cool - I have been using video as assessment, having students explain concepts with manipulatives, white boards etc., and this app takes that to the next level.  You record voice and writing on a white board simultaneously (like that guy with the brown marker).  You need to create an account and these are posted directly online - either public or private with a web address as a link that some students then posted to their blogs.  It was especially good for students who aren't as comfortable in front of the camera - this is just voice and drawing/labelling etc.  Lots of possibilities.

SKITCH - basically drawing/typing over a picture (either taken with iPad or downloaded).  Can also draw shapes and labels on white background (we did RNA/DNA with labels).  The jpeg is then saved to the camera roll of the iPad and we posted them to our blogs.

BLOGGER - a good app that allows students to sign in and out (and is free).  Simple to add posts or drafts and easy to post photos from the camera roll - students with iPhones can use the app and post pictures from labs and classroom activities with a short description really easily.  Students couldn't find a similar free app for android/blackberry.

This is a start, and I am looking forward to trying more creative applications of tech, allowing students to own the process of learning, giving them lots of freedom and opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

Monday 11 June 2012

Biology 12 Exit Interviews

Biology 12 Exit Interview

Prepare a portfolio of important learning experiences that you have had over the semester.  Choose items and think of times during class when the topic or activity meant something to you – stand out moments for you in Biology.
You should be able to highlight about 5 instances in the semester that are important to your learning and explain how they made a difference to your semester.

Have an outline prepared with the 5 experiences and key points written down to guide your exit interview.  Try and think of “big ideas” of biology (and life) and how this relates to your semester.  

Practice your presentation – this should be student directed and with minimal questioning by me.  It also needs to be fairly short – about 10 minutes, so that I can get through everyone’s interview during 2 blocks (Friday and Monday).

Some guiding questions –
1.    Why did you choose this assignment or event?
2.    Why is it important to you?
3.    How is it different than your other assignments?
4.    What did you realize about yourself – your learning style or abilities?
5.    How will this affect your future?

Based on your presentation, how do you feel your current grade reflects your learning in this class?  In what way do you feel it should change to be a better representation of your learning?

I will prepare a sign-up sheet in class on Tuesday.  Be prepared for your interviewJ

Thursday 26 April 2012

Digestive System Tshirts

Check out the pictures of us working on Digestive System T shirts in class today.

I hear we are not the only class wearing class Tshirts to Playland!  Actually!  Ask the Chem 12 students  what their plan is...

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Digestive System Resources

National Geographic webpage - Digestive System

Another good webpage - Digestion

Both of the links are good for finding the functions of the digestive system organs for your study notes / function chart.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Playland Info

The permission form is ready to go - and I will link the assignment if you are interested in having a look before we go.

Check my wiki for the uploaded permission form.  Get it signed and returned!
But how do I find it?

School website - Staff - K phillips - ta da!

Don't worry.  I will also photocopy and hand out in class.  Easy peasy.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


The topic for today's class is enzymes - we are going to recall the information that we already know about enzymes (being proteins) and then learn from there. 
Here are some images that are a good starting point for learning about enzymes:

Can you act this out today?  Sure you can!!!

This is trickier but we can do it.

Playland Field Trip

So it looks like we are confirmed for our field trip to Playland on Thursday, May 3.
We are in need of PARENT drivers - it will be the entire day (leaving the school at 8:30 and arriving back at school by 3pm).  You will need to miss your block 2 class to attend - making early arrangements with that teacher is important!
The cost for entry to Playland is $17.  It is a special event and only open to high school students that day.
There is a field trip package that you will be responsible for completing on this field trip - information about heart rate & blood pressure (circulatory system) and autonomic nervous system responses to different rides at Playland.  Fun!
Ask your parents about driving (they can get into Playland for free as a supervisor if they want to stay and help out) and I will make a permission form with all the information to take home and get signed soon.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Blog Assignments

Okay Biology Students!
Here is a list of your Blog Assignments...

  1. DNA structure & labels
  2. RNA structure & labels
  3. Chloroplast / photosynthesis
  4. Mitochondria / cellular respiration
  5. Organelles working together (digestion or protein synthesis)
  6. Organelle labelling and functions
  7. Study Notes (or can be handed in)
  8. Protein synthesis video quiz (or a link, or uploaded to our youtube channel)
  9. Cell Membrane Picture, Labels and Functions
So, have a look over your blog and make sure that you have 9 assignments completed. Ask me any questions that you have - I am going to start marking your blog work soon.  Very soon.  You have the freedom to complete these assignments in any way that you are able to post them.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Protein Synthesis

Start thinking about creative ideas for your protein synthesis assessment - we will have the iPads to use to create a video (to post to your blog).  You can work in partners or on your own - bring props from home if you have a creative idea that will help your audience understand the concepts and processes.
Your DNA mutations booklet should be completed for next block, as some of the concepts from that will need to be explained in your video.
The posters that you created in the last two classes will be marked tomorrow too, so make sure they are completed.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
PS. Love the twitter feed after our activities!  Woohoo.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Protein Synthesis

Some good pictures of protein synthesis - transcription and translation - Friday's topic:

Thursday 1 March 2012

Recombinant DNA

Today we will be learning about recombinant DNA - here are our video links:

Ethical Issues of cloning

Genetically Modified Foods

Mechanisms of Recombination

What is diabetes?

How does insulin work?

How can recombinant DNA help?  We will simulate this process in our activity today.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Organelle Quiz Thursday

  • Know the functions of the organelles (should be on your previous blog post!), be able to label the organelles within a cell (same previous blog post!).

  • Know the interactions between organelles to perform specific functions within the cell - such as ingestion & digestion of a food macromolecule or making a protein for secretion from the cell. (Also a blog post by you).

  • Sound good? Great.

Monday 27 February 2012

Cell organelles working together

Here are the two animations that we watched in class today about how organelles interact to create a protein to be secreted to the outside of a cell.

Protein synthesis - DNA to Ribosome - Part 1

Vesicle formation - Part 2

Organelle Flashcards

Here is a link to another organelle resource - cell organelle flash cards that look like good information.  Might be useful as you study & learn the functions of each organelle.

Quizlet organelle flash cards

Sunday 26 February 2012

First Blog Assignments

The first real blog assignments are being published.  It is exciting to see the work that you are doing and especially the little extras that some of you are posting to really take some ownership of your blog and thus your learning in Biology 12.  It is giving me lots of ideas for upcoming blog assignments that give you some more freedom in how they are completed in order to tap into your creativity.
I am happy with the blog format so far, in that I can comment on your blog posts and make suggestions for improvements.  Although your posts are published, they can still be works in progress.  The learning does not need to stop as soon as the publish button is pressed, you can make revisions and additions to topics and assignments as we go.  Your work is still your own, not sitting in a folder (or princess bag) forgotten about while waiting to be marked.
You should have 3 or 4 posts already - and a reminder that you should be started on your Study notes - it will be a big assignment in preparation for your Unit Test.  Save them as a draft until test day.

Friday 24 February 2012

Link to organelle picture

Organelles labelling

Labelling assignment - warm up

Drag this pic onto your desktop and then insert into a new blog post.
Label the organelles, using the numbers.  Include a brief description of the function of the organelle.


Cell Processes Assignment

Here are your instructions for the rest of the Cell Processes Assignment that we started yesterday with the iPads.  We will be using the laptops today, so you can bring your own device along to use if you like.

Cell Processes Project

Part A:

Cellular respiration
·      1 picture of organelle involved, label & describe the reaction that occurs (in words)
·      1 picture of organelle involved, label & describe the reaction that occurs (in words)

Posted to blog – mostly completed yesterday. If a problem with using the Skitch app, just post as a blog post answering the guiding questions.

Part B:

Cell processes

Working individually –

Research one of the following:

·      Protein synthesis
·      Lipid synthesis
·      Secretion
·      Digestion of incoming nutrients
·      Recycling of damaged organelles

Answer the guiding questions as a blog post, and add an appropriate picture or animation.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Cell Organelle Link

I found another good cell organelle link - roll your mouse over the cell structures for function information.

Cell Organelle Functions


During today's class I had some frustration with the iPad cart and the inability to sign out of the apps.  I am also concerned about all your work that was left on there, on the camera roll & blogpress as well as the work that was left from students who have used the iPads before us.  There are glitches that need to be worked out, it seems that iPads are not really set up to be a shared device.  That being said - this assignment did create some good results, I liked the format of the final product.  Learning tech skills along with the material that we need to cover in Biology can't be a bad thing.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Cell Organelle Powerpoint

I think I found my slideshare powerpoint.  Let's see if this works.

Cell organelle powerpoint

Fingers crossed - use this if you like to complete your chart.

Eukaryotic Cell

Here is a link to the latest Crash Course video - same guy who we watched in class the other day.
Woo hoo.  I'm liking that so far, he is making videos that follow the Biology 12 curriculum at the same pace that we are learning it.  What's not to like.

Biological molecules

Here are some pics if the review posters that you made in class yesterday. Check them out to help you study -

Cell Organelles

There are lots of resources on the internet for basic cell organelle info.
Here is a link to a Biology site that has some good information on eukaryotic cell organelles - nice pictures, charts and animations.

Cell organelles

You can use this for your info as well as searching for an interactive cell to complete your chart.  These will be your basic notes for the unit - you need to know the functions of the organelles before we can talk about how they are interrelated for specific jobs that the cell needs to perform.

The following pictures are linked to the website link that I gave you.

Friday 17 February 2012

Blogger newbies (me included)

Biology 12 - I am super excited that we got this up and running in class yesterday.  If you are not on my reading list, we can try and figure that out in class today.
I see two things happening with your blog - first is a place to chronicle your learning and the activities that we are doing in Bio class.  This would be a place to post pics with a short explanation - to jog your memory of what we were actually learning in class that day - key things to remember etc...
At the end of the semester, we will have interview time when you can present to me the most important and pivotal parts of Biology for you during the semester.  This presentation can have an impact on your grade, especially if you can demonstrate an understanding for the topics we have learned.  This is where you can supplement your understanding and be a resource for your classmates by posting pics and links to info you find online.
The second use for your blog is going to be to post your study notes on our test day.  The outline that you got early in the semester is what you need to use as your guide for the questions you will answer for your study notes.
Make your blog your own - show your personality - it is out in the world for all to see, so make sure you represent yourself well.
Loving what I am seeing so far. Great start :)

Monday 13 February 2012

One more thing

Okay - one more thing to try - finding and attaching a biology link...

lipids info

Okey dokey.  Also super easy!  Lets see if it works!

From my phone

Let's see how easy this is. I'll try to attach a photo here too - how about a glucose molecule?

Biology - Feb 13

I am hoping to have you all up and blogging by the end of the week - we are going to use the iPads on Thursday during our double block.  Hopefully I will have things figured out more by then - but I am excited by the possibilities!
You probably already have some media to put into your blog like this:
That was easy.  This is my dog Piper.  Isn't she cute.

Biology - Feb 13

I am hoping to have you all up and blogging by the end of the week - we are going to use the iPads on Thursday during our double block.  Hopefully I will have things figured out more by then - but I am excited by the possibilities!
You probably already have some media to put into your blog like this: