Monday 11 June 2012

Biology 12 Exit Interviews

Biology 12 Exit Interview

Prepare a portfolio of important learning experiences that you have had over the semester.  Choose items and think of times during class when the topic or activity meant something to you – stand out moments for you in Biology.
You should be able to highlight about 5 instances in the semester that are important to your learning and explain how they made a difference to your semester.

Have an outline prepared with the 5 experiences and key points written down to guide your exit interview.  Try and think of “big ideas” of biology (and life) and how this relates to your semester.  

Practice your presentation – this should be student directed and with minimal questioning by me.  It also needs to be fairly short – about 10 minutes, so that I can get through everyone’s interview during 2 blocks (Friday and Monday).

Some guiding questions –
1.    Why did you choose this assignment or event?
2.    Why is it important to you?
3.    How is it different than your other assignments?
4.    What did you realize about yourself – your learning style or abilities?
5.    How will this affect your future?

Based on your presentation, how do you feel your current grade reflects your learning in this class?  In what way do you feel it should change to be a better representation of your learning?

I will prepare a sign-up sheet in class on Tuesday.  Be prepared for your interviewJ

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