Friday 17 February 2012

Blogger newbies (me included)

Biology 12 - I am super excited that we got this up and running in class yesterday.  If you are not on my reading list, we can try and figure that out in class today.
I see two things happening with your blog - first is a place to chronicle your learning and the activities that we are doing in Bio class.  This would be a place to post pics with a short explanation - to jog your memory of what we were actually learning in class that day - key things to remember etc...
At the end of the semester, we will have interview time when you can present to me the most important and pivotal parts of Biology for you during the semester.  This presentation can have an impact on your grade, especially if you can demonstrate an understanding for the topics we have learned.  This is where you can supplement your understanding and be a resource for your classmates by posting pics and links to info you find online.
The second use for your blog is going to be to post your study notes on our test day.  The outline that you got early in the semester is what you need to use as your guide for the questions you will answer for your study notes.
Make your blog your own - show your personality - it is out in the world for all to see, so make sure you represent yourself well.
Loving what I am seeing so far. Great start :)

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