Tuesday 22 October 2013

Biology 11 Assignment - Be Curious!

Here is an idea - last week we had a great learning experience when Moeize showed us a picture of something interesting that he had found outside of his house... Just in case you forget, here is the link to the picture that he posted to his blog:

Moeize's interesting find

I thought that this picture was so cool, and it got me wondering what was going on - so I googled it...
Here is the greatest part of what I found:

Video: Slugs Mating

I found this day to be great in many ways - first, that a student had noticed something in the world around him, taken a picture because he thought it was interesting, and then shared it with all of us in class and then on his blog.  It seems like the curiosity that we have as children - always asking WHY? - gets put into the background as we are told what to learn and when to learn it in school.  The other great part is that the internet is amazing!  We are not the first people to wonder what is happening between two slugs - it took me no time to find out, watch an amazing video and learn something that I am totally going to remember, something that I didn't know before.  It's actually exciting learning interesting things!

So, here is your assignment for today - you can work in partners, but you will have to learn about 2 topics if you do (based on sharing computers in the library today).  This is an extension of your finding a peculiar animal post - although, you can learn about a completely different topic.  Your assignment is to be CURIOUS & to ask WHY.  Is there something in nature that you wonder about?  Can you expand on your research about your animal/organism with a peculiar trait and teach us why it is the way it is?  I would like you to create a blog post that includes your question about the world (can you find an interesting phenomenon in nature?) You will be presenting your assignment to the class (maybe on our popcorn friday) so have use of the projector - find an interesting nature youtube video that you can embed in your blog & relate to class?

Nature is amazing - find something that you are amazed about and share it with the class, and on your blog, with the world.

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