Thursday 5 September 2013

Welcome to Biology 11

Today you will be creating your Biology 11 Blog and creating a place to publish your work, organize your assignments & collaborate with peers.  Your blog will be a window into the progress that you are making in class - instead of handing in an assignment only to me, other students are able to see your work, your parents, and people around the world!  With that in mind, we will practice being responsible and respectful in an online space, and work to create a positive digital footprint.

Once you get your blog up and running, you can publish your first post.  Yippee!  Your first post should be your science question that you formulated after being a scientific observer in our living things scavenger hunt.

If you are successful with your first post, try to post your scavenger hunt pictures in a way that makes sense to an outside observer.

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