Friday 14 June 2013

Interview Schedule

Check this interview schedule - make sure you are prepared!  If you are not on here come see me ASAP!!!!!

Friday June 14
2:30 - Michael
2:40 - Justin B
2:50 - Jas 
3:00 - Rawel
3:10 - Rohanna

Monday, June 17
12:00 - Vicki
12:10 - Evelyn
12:20 - Keara
12:30 - Ashpreet
12:40 - Kamalvir
12:50 - Brianna

Wednesday, June 19
12:45 - Addy
12:55 -
1:05 - Monica G
1:15 - Jamie H
1:25 - Corey H
1:35 - Anna
1:45 - Robin
1:55 - Prince
2:05 - Amber
2:15 - Josh
2:25 - Abbas
2:35 - Amrit
2:45 - Jaspreet
2:55 - Parveer
3:05 - Adam
3:15 - Thomas
3:25 - Baneet

Monday 3 June 2013

Final Interview - Biology 12

Have a look at the interview template for next week - I would suggest that you start preparing for this now and create a thoughtful portfolio of evidence that best shows your learning this semester.

Biology 12 Final Interview  - Ms. Phillips
June 2013

Provide evidence that shows what you have learned about the following topics –

·      Water
·      Digestion
·      Biological Molecules
·      Respiration
·      Circulation
·      Urinary System
·      Reproduction
·      Nervous System (if applicable)

Evidence can include tests, quizzes, projects, assignments, blog posts, anecdotes from class discussions etc.

Organize your evidence and prepare to talk about your 3 most important pieces of evidence.  They may include items that you were most proud of, or where something really “clicked” or a time when you took a risk or worked outside of your comfort zone.

Be prepared to suggest a grade/percentage that you feel you have achieved based on what you have learned, the quality of work you have completed, and your engagement in Biology this year.

You will be signing up for an interview time, make sure you are prepared in advance.