Friday 31 May 2013

Study Notes Guide

Here is the outline of topics for your Unit Test on TUESDAY...

This time, you do not need to hand in the study notes.  Use this guide to see what topics you understand, & which ones you need to spend some time reviewing (by completing the bullets, or any way that will help you remember the concepts...)

Circulatory System Study Notes:

c  Identify and give the function (including where the vessel is carrying blood from and where it is carrying blood to) of each 
         of the following:
·      subclavian arteries and veins
·      jugular veins
·      carotid arteries
·      mesenteric arteries
·      anterior and posterior vena cava
·      pulmonary veins and arteries
·      hepatic vein
·      hepatic portal vein
·      renal arteries and veins
·      iliac arteries and veins
·      coronary arteries and veins
·      aorta

c  Describe and differentiate among the five types of blood vessels
         with reference to characteristics such as
·      structure and thickness of vessel walls
·      presence of valves
·      direction of blood flow (toward or away from the heart)

c  The Heart - Identify and give functions (including where blood is coming from and going to, as applicable) for each of the following:
·      left and right atria
·      left and right ventricles
·      coronary arteries and veins
·      anterior and posterior vena cava
·      aorta
·      pulmonary arteries and veins
·      pulmonary trunk
·      atrioventricular valves
·      chordae tendineae
·      semi-lunar valves
·      septum

c  recognize heart structures using both internal and external
diagram views

c  describe the location and functions of the sinoatrial (SA) node,
atrioventricular (AV) node, and Purkinje fibres

c  differentiate between systolic and diastolic pressures

c  demonstrate the measurement of blood pressure

c  differentiate between pulmonary and systemic circulation with 
respect to oxygenation or deoxygenation of blood in the vessels

c  demonstrate a knowledge of the path of a blood cell from the
aorta through the body and back to the left ventricle

c  relate blood pressure and blood velocity to the total cross-
sectional area of the five types of blood vessels

c  identify and describe differences in structure and circulation
between fetal and adult systems, with reference to umbilical vein
and arteries, oval opening, venous duct, arterial duct

c  describe the shape, function, and origin of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

c  list the major components of plasma


¨ identify and explain the functions of each of the following:

– kidney
– ureter
– urethra
– urinary bladder

– nephron

¨ identify and explain the functions of the following components
of the nephron:
– glomerulus
– Bowman’s capsule
– afferent and efferent arterioles
– peritubular capillary network
– proximal and distal convoluted tubules
– collecting duct
– loop of Henle

¨ describe the production of urine with reference to the following
– pressure filtration
– selective reabsorption
– reabsorption of water following an osmotic gradient
– tubular excretion
– metabolic waste (e.g., nitrogenous waste, urea, ammonia)

¨ describe how the kidneys maintain blood pH

¨ compare urea and glucose content of blood in the renal artery
with that of the renal vein

¨ identify the source glands for antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and


¨  identify and give functions for each of the following:

– testes (seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells)
– scrotum
– epididymis
– ductus (vas) deferens
– prostate gland
– Cowper’s glands
– seminal vesicles
– penis
– urethra

¨  describe the path of sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the
urethral opening                                                                                   

¨  list the components seminal fluid (as contributed by the
Cowper’s glands, prostate gland, and seminal vesicles), and
describe the functions of each component

¨  identify the tail (flagellum), midpiece, head, and acrosome of a
mature sperm and state their functions

¨  identify and give functions for each of the following:

– ovaries (follicles and corpus luteum)
– oviducts (fallopian tubes)
– uterus
– endometrium
– cervix
– vagina
– clitoris

¨  describe the functions of estrogen

¨  describe the sequence of events in the ovarian cycle, with
reference the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase

¨  describe the sequence of events in the uterine cycle, with
reference to menstruation, the proliferative phase, and the
secretory phase

¨  describe the control of the ovarian and uterine cycles by
hormones including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH),
estrogen, and progesterone

¨  describe the hormonal changes that occur as a result of
implantation, including
– production of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to
maintain the corpus luteum
– increased production of progesterone by the corpus luteum

¨  describe a positive feedback mechanism involving oxytocin